
This application allows you to keep track of different accounts.

List of accounts

In the list of accounts you will find the most important pillars of registration:

  • Ref.: Numeric code that identifies the account.
  • Name: Account name.
  • Description: Description of the account.

Listing Options

On each record. You can perform a series of actions that are represented by the following icons:

  • Check / Edit / Delete Record.

Filter Options

For more information about the filter options listed in the ayuda general.

Form accounts

This is the application of accounts, it may add, modify and view all data from the different accounts classified in different tabs: main data, logo, invoices, data on the registry modifications, ...

Account Information tab

In this tab you can view and modify the main details of the account. Here we relate all information fields.

  • Name (*): Account name.
  • Description: Description of the account.

(*) Required when creating or modifying a form of payment Campos.

Tab Logo

In this tab you can view and change settings Logo account.

  • Position and measures the logo:
    • X: Horizontal axis, away from the placement of the logo from 0,0 expressed in millimeters value.
    • Y: Vertical axis, away from the placement of the logo from 0,0 expressed in millimeters value.
    • Width: Logo paper width, expressed in millimeters.
    • Height: Logo Alto paper, expressed in millimeters.
  • Files logo:
    • Current logo file: Viewing the current logo.
    • New file (JPEG only): If you want to change the logo, select here the new file, only formats (JPEG).
  • Colors in the PDF documents generated:
    • Lines: Color of the lines that utlizan to draw boxes, lines of columns and rows, etc ...
    • Titles: Color of the titles used in the generated documents.
    • Texts: Color of normal text that is used in the generated documents.

Invoices tab settings

In this tab you can view and modify the configuration of invoices for this account.

  • Name tax (added): Name use tax, taxes to be added to invoices.
  • Default (only if used): Tax value.
  • Name tax (subtracted): Name use tax, a tax that must subtract bills.
  • Default (only if used): Tax value.
  • First line stand: Text anger at the foot of the bill.
  • Second line stand: Text anger at the foot of the bill.

Registry Data Tab

For more information about the filter options listed in the ayuda general.

XML lines
PHP lines
JS lines
XSLT lines
CSV lines
CSS lines