Before you start downloading and installing SaltOS we know that version and we want to use package:
Self-installable packages: are designed to facilitate the work Preinstallation SaltOS, are responsible for unpacking, locate and modify all necessary files for the user only has to deal to launch the installation process by accessing the URL of SaltOS through your browser. Such a package is designed for end users, does not require large computer knowledge.
Manual Package: This package is compressed source code. It's a package for administrators, developers, designers, or users who simply want to engage themselves throughout the installation process SaltOS on your computer.
Server version:
Manual Package TGZ: This package contains the source code SaltOS. This is intended for experienced users or for upgrades that do not require initial setup process that provides the "Installer SaltOS".
Desktop version:
Once downloaded and pre-installed the appropriate version to your user profile, point your browser when you first came to SaltOS the installer with 6 simple steps below will detail was launched:
Step 0 Language selection, design and icons
This step is to select the language that implementation, design to use and set of icons. Once installed, these features can be changed smoothly from the user profile on the application.
Step 1 Write permissions, environment variables and test external programs
The first thing that is done in this step is to check that SaltOS has write permissions on the folder structure where it runs.
Determine the environment variables as execution paths, and encoding used in terminal commands.
Finally in this step the different external programs that serve to SaltOS has some special features are checked
Step 2 Connect and test the database
The first in this step is to choose the type of database and the connector type to be used with the application.
If the chosen database type data is SQLite in any of its versions, the installer will check who has access to the folder to create the data file necessary.
If the database type chosen is MariaDB* O MySQL in any of its versions, the installer will display a screen with the data needed to connect to the database.
* SaltOS Project recommends using MariaDB as manager database
Step 3 Account Manager, server configuration, and initial data load
The first thing you ask us in this step is data (name and password) of user administrator, as information optional it may include Mail Administrator which is used to receive emails sent through the support application.
Step 4 Selecting applications
This is an important step, choose the applications you will use with jumps. We can choose a default profile that we install a default applications.
After selecting the appropriate profile, the installer allows us to modify one by one application selection.
Step 5 Summary and installation confirmation
This is an informative step how everything went the installation process at this point, if we want to vary somewhat this is the time, once we click install SaltOS, the installation of the system is generating.
Step 6 Result installation
Last step, information on the result of the installation of SaltOS, if all went well, as we click Start SaltOS direct application to start entering data we go.
Once you click the button "Start SaltOS", And you can start using SaltOS.