Desarrolladores de SaltOS

Questions: 19 (last: 20/05/2016)
Responses: 33 (last: 21/05/2016)

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Repaired - miscalculation in tax

Nick: Mario Soares | Date: 15/06/2014 | Time: 19:58 | Responses: 1 (last: 04/07/2014)
I found a miscalculation of taxes to file \"gastos.js\"
Original line:
var base=round((100*total)/(100+iva-irpf),2);
Changed to:
var base=round(total-(total*(iva-irpf)/100),2);

Re: Repaired - miscalculation in tax

Nick: Josep Sanz | Url: | Date: 04/07/2014 | Time: 12:21
Hi Mario.

I checked your recommendation and I detected that the old code is better that your new code. I wrote a test case demonstrating how your proposed formula (with the \"new\" label) fails and how the original (with the \"old\" label) runs as expected.

***** TEST 1 *****
- total=10.95
- iva=21%
- irpf=18%
Old formula
- base=10.63
- iva2=2.23
- irpf2=1.91
- total2=10.95
- result=OK
New formula
- base=10.62
- iva2=2.23
- irpf2=1.91
- total2=10.94
- result=KO
***** TEST 2 *****
- total=10.95
- iva=21%
- irpf=0%
Old formula
- base=9.05
- iva2=1.9
- irpf2=0
- total2=10.95
- result=OK
New formula
- base=8.65
- iva2=1.82
- irpf2=0
- total2=10.47
- result=KO
***** TEST 3 *****
- total=10.95
- iva=0%
- irpf=18%
Old formula
- base=13.35
- iva2=0
- irpf2=2.4
- total2=10.95
- result=OK
New formula
- base=12.92
- iva2=0
- irpf2=2.33
- total2=10.59
- result=KO
***** TEST 4 *****
- total=10.95
- iva=0%
- irpf=0%
Old formula
- base=10.95
- iva2=0
- irpf2=0
- total2=10.95
- result=OK
New formula
- base=10.95
- iva2=0
- irpf2=0
- total2=10.95
- result=OK

This test case is in PHP. If you want to see the source code, please, send me an email to and I will send you the source code that will allow you to see the details of the test case.

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