JQuery Plugins

JQuery plugin: BlockUI JQuery plugin that allows you to display a message and block the screen while you are making AJAX loads. SaltOS uses this plugin.
JQuery plugin: Color picker This plugin is used to display a color picker. Is employed in SaltOS and RhinOS. Facilitates the entry of colors by the user.
JQuery plugin: ptTimeSelect This plugin is used to display a time picker. SaltOS uses this plugin. Facilitates the entry of hours and minutes by the user.
JQuery plugin: Form This plugin allows you to transfer forms using AJAX methods transparent to the user. It also allows sending files. SaltOS uses this plugin.
JQuery plugin: jGrowl SaltOS notices showing in the lower right of the screen is handled with this plugin. SaltOS uses this plugin.
JQuery plugin: ContextMenu This plugin allows you to have the contextual menu that appears when the cursor is on the records of a listing. SaltOS uses this plugin.
JQuery plugin: Tooltip This plugin creates embedded tooltips with the aesthetics of the application. SaltOS and RhinOS uses this plugin.
JQuery plugin: Masonry This plugin creates a really nice effect with floating boxes. Used by SaltOS.
JQuery plugin: Favicon This plugin allows you to change the favicon of SaltOS to notify the user with an animation of the existence of new mail, feeds or calendar events.
JQuery plugin: jPlayer This plugin enables audio playback and controlling behavior from JavaScript. Use a Flash player for browsers that do not natively support audio. It is used by SaltOS.
JQuery plugin: Columnizer This plugin allows to generate content by columns automatically, without preparing the content. It is used in the SaltOS's help.
JQuery plugin: Auto-growing textarea This plugin allows to resize the textarea elements to prevent to use the internal textarea scroll.

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