
Want to help SaltOS reach everyone collaborates SaltOS translating into your language. There are two ways to translate the literal application:

  1. Translate files directly: this form can be used to translate and correct one or more complete languages ​​.
  2. Send us translations in an e: This will puuede use if you notice any incorrect text and want to make your contribution to the project .
In either of the two modes, you can send an email with the translated texts and we integrate it and end up in the files of SaltOS.

If you want more information on this topic please contact us at

These are the people who work in different translations, if you want to help in any of these languages ​​contact them to arrange translation tasks:

Graphic design

If you want to help SaltOS look better, please contact us:

These are some of the libraries currently use for the "make" and encourage SaltOS functions: jQueryUI, jQueryMobile, Bootstrap, blockUI, jGrowl, Favicon, Code Mirror, D3.js, NVD3, Dagre-d3, crystal icons,. .., in the friends projects section you will find all information about libraries used, version, url or functionality that provides each library.


If you are interested in helping to add new functionality to SaltOS, please contact us at:

These are some of the libraries currently use to provide new functionality to SaltOS: w2ui, TCPDF, CKEditor, Code Mirror, D3.js, NVD3, Dagre-d3, LibreOffice, unoconv, ImageMagick, Aspell, Festival, Hispavoces .. ., in the friends section projects you can find all information about libraries used, version, url or functionality that provides each library.


If you like the project and want to make disclosure of SaltOS, you can contact us at:.

Distribute SaltOS

If you distribute or distribute Worth somehow SaltOS and want to contact us:

Other tasks

If you want to collaborate with the project and none of the above proposals for collaboration has struck you, maybe you can work in any other task that we do. If so, you can contact us:

XML lines
PHP lines
JS lines
XSLT lines
CSV lines
CSS lines