
Details of the new SaltOS's release (r7680)

MariaDB, Google, Tesseract, New release

Josep Sanz, Jordi Company, Andres Díaz

This new release comes after nearly two years of work and as always, also brings new features such as those described below: Bugs correction: As always, a new release, you must fix the detected errors, both by developers and by users. Updating third-party libraries: Also updated to the latest versions all third-party libraries to have as current as possible and above code, free of security breaches, as far as possible. Processing text using Tesseract OCR engine: This feature allows…


Transparent access (login) to Google API v3

Login, API, Google

Josep Sanz, Jordi Company

From the November 17, 2014, the access to the Google's API v1 and v2 services have stopped working forcing all developers to migrate their code to the new API v3 (https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/php/). In SaltOS, like other applications, we had to make this change and it makes everything work. Previously, access to the service could be obtained using the user+password for the service account. Currently this no longer works well, but must obtain a token that will allow us to use…

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