
We are preparing the new SaltOS's release

CSS, Desktop, ThemeRoller, Screenshots

Josep Sanz

We have upgraded to the latest versions of the jQuery-3.1.0 and jQuery-UI 1.12.0 libraries. With this upgrade, we have rewrited the themes system and now, it's more easy and more customized. We hope that you like it.


Problems with CSS generated using PHP and Internet Explorer 9

CSS, PHP, Internet Explorer

Josep Sanz

After a few months to be with us the new Microsoft browser, Mr. Internet Explorer 9, some visitors saltos.net informed me that the web did not look properly using this browser. After watching what was happening, detected from the apache logs that requests for style sheets that make Internet Explorer 9, were answered by the apache server itself with an error HTTP 406 Not acceptable (not acceptable). This portal is developed using the RhinOS technology, which generates PHP style sheets from templates.…

XML lines
PHP lines
JS lines
XSLT lines
CSV lines
CSS lines