
Published a new Centos 7 ISO image that uses the kernel 4.14.7 and PHP 7.1.12

We have published a new CentOS 7 ISO image that uses the new kernel 4.14.7 and PHP 7.1.12.

CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
Linux version 4.14.7
Apache version 2.4.6
MariaDB version 10.1.14
PHP version 7.1.12
LibreOffice version
Subversion version 1.9.7
Git version 2.14.1
 ____        _ _    ___  ____                                 
/ ___|  __ _| | |_ / _ \/ ___|   ___  ___ _ ____   _____ _ __ 
\___ \ / _` | | __| | | \___ \  / __|/ _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__|
 ___) | (_| | | |_| |_| |___) | \__ \  __/ |   \ V /  __/ |   
|____/ \__,_|_|\__|\___/|____/  |___/\___|_|    \_/ \___|_|   
Welcome to the SaltOS server
More info:


Published a new Centos 7 ISO image with UEFI support

We just released a new Centos 7 ISO image that adds support to UEFI systems. Now, SaltOS server can be installed automatically on systems with BIOS and/or UEFI.

More info:


Published a new Centos 7.4 ISO image that uses the kernel 4.13.2 and PHP 7.1.9

We have published a new CentOS 7.4 ISO image that uses the new kernel 4.13.2 and PHP 7.1.9.

CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
Linux version 4.13.2
Apache version 2.4.6
MariaDB version 10.1.14
PHP version 7.1.9
LibreOffice version
Subversion version 1.9.7
Git version 2.14.1
 ____        _ _    ___  ____                                 
/ ___|  __ _| | |_ / _ \/ ___|   ___  ___ _ ____   _____ _ __ 
\___ \ / _` | | __| | | \___ \  / __|/ _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__|
 ___) | (_| | | |_| |_| |___) | \__ \  __/ |   \ V /  __/ |   
|____/ \__,_|_|\__|\___/|____/  |___/\___|_|    \_/ \___|_|   
Welcome to the SaltOS server
More info: CentOS 7.4 Announcement:


Published a new Centos 7 ISO image that uses the kernel 4.11.3, MariaDB 10.1.14, PHP 7.1.5 and LibreOffice

We have published a new CentOS 7 ISO image that uses the new kernel 4.11.3, MariaDB 10.1.14, PHP 7.1.5 and LibreOffice

CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
Linux version 4.11.3
Apache version 2.4.6
MariaDB version 10.1.14
PHP version 7.1.5
LibreOffice version
Subversion version 1.9.5
Git version 2.11.1
 ____        _ _    ___  ____                                 
/ ___|  __ _| | |_ / _ \/ ___|   ___  ___ _ ____   _____ _ __ 
\___ \ / _` | | __| | | \___ \  / __|/ _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__|
 ___) | (_| | | |_| |_| |___) | \__ \  __/ |   \ V /  __/ |   
|____/ \__,_|_|\__|\___/|____/  |___/\___|_|    \_/ \___|_|   
Welcome to the SaltOS server
More info: Important notice: I have performed a downgrade of the MariaDB to the 10.1.14 release caused by performance issues.

You can follow the issue at:


Published a new RhinOS release (r1407)

We have published a new release that includes some bugs fixes and libraries updates for ckeditor, phpmailer,phpexcel, jquery and jquery-ui.

More info:


Published a new Centos 7 ISO image that uses the kernel 4.10.5, MariaDB 10.1.22, PHP 7.1.3, Apache 2.4.6, LibreOffice, Subversion 1.9.5 and Git 2.11.1

We have published a new CentOS 7 ISO image that uses the new kernel 4.10.5, MariaDB 10.1.22, PHP 7.1.3, Apache 2.4.6, LibreOffice, Subversion 1.9.5 and Git 2.11.1.

CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
Linux version 4.10.5
Apache version 2.4.6
MariaDB version 10.1.22
PHP version 7.1.3
LibreOffice version
Subversion version 1.9.5
Git version 2.11.1
 ____        _ _    ___  ____                                 
/ ___|  __ _| | |_ / _ \/ ___|   ___  ___ _ ____   _____ _ __ 
\___ \ / _` | | __| | | \___ \  / __|/ _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__|
 ___) | (_| | | |_| |_| |___) | \__ \  __/ |   \ V /  __/ |   
|____/ \__,_|_|\__|\___/|____/  |___/\___|_|    \_/ \___|_|   
Welcome to the SaltOS server
More info:


Published a new Centos 7 ISO image that uses the kernel 4.10.1, MariaDB 10.1.21, PHP 7.1.2, Apache 2.4.6, LibreOffice, Subversion 1.9.5 and Git 2.11.0

We have published a new CentOS 7 ISO image that uses the new kernel 4.10.1, MariaDB 10.1.21, PHP 7.1.2, Apache 2.4.6, LibreOffice, Subversion 1.9.5 and Git 2.11.0. In this edition, we have added more repositories, and in addition, we are included our own repository to centralize certain external packages.

More info:


Open Letter about the free software

Free Software, Octave, GNU

Josep Sanz

I have long wondered if I do well doing free software or if it is simply a way of doing the idiot. For some people, making free software is giving away work and knowledge, but by this, if we do not make knowledge free, then we will be promoting a society where only those who have money can access to the knowledge, from my thought, totally wrong, although many people promote this type of things without knowing what they are promoting. Is a lot of curious, when you have children, then we teach…


One year of free hosting for the SaltOS project by dinahosting

Dinahosting has confirmed that continue the sponsorship for another year to the SaltOS project, giving a free professional linux hosting for the website. As always to all those who collaborate with the SaltOS project: Thank you.

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