What is SaltOS?

SaltOS is the Business Management solution 100% Cloud Computing. It integrates features like CRM and ERP. Moreover is it licensed as 100% free software GPL-3.0.

Visit the new SaltOS website and discover what SaltOS can do for you...

What I can do with it?

SaltOS has a broad set of applications that enable a company to have the following features:

  • Important information: This application allows you to view important data quickly at the beginning of the application. In order to not miss important information item you can highlight certain contents which then appear on the home screen.
  • E-mail Manager: based on POP3 protocol for receiving and SMTP for sending. You can configure any number of user accounts you want, mark them as favorites or private (to prevent users access to email even though they have permissions for it).
  • Schedule and agenda: to manage meetings, calls and other events. It also lets you synchronize your calendar with Google Calendar.
  • RSS and Atom Feeds Reader: when you find a website that interests you, do not hesitate to register it in the implementation of RSS and ATOM Feeds to follow the news and changes that take place in the web page of interest.
  • Attachments: Aren't you tired of looking and not finding important files? Find them with this application accessing mail attachments and files you uploaded to the Document Management System, incidents, projects, clients and potential clients, reports and any other application that allow to save attachment.
  • Predefined Texts: You can also enlist predefined texts for scale use when sending mail, create budgets or write meeting reports.
  • My profile / Support / About SaltOS: these applications allow you to customize your account in SaltOS, choose the color-scheme you want, configure your Google Calendar account, email accounts and RSS and ATOM feeds, request support quickly and show you all the information in the application.
It also has all necessary applications for a service-based business model:
  • Business: marketing campaigns, contact imports, potential clients, customers, contacts, budgets and records.
  • Project Management: projects, track tasks, job reports, incidents and records.
  • Accounting: billing and scheduling periodic billing, expenses and suppliers
  • Application Management: products, employees, users and working groups
  • Data types: corporate accounts (SaltOS allows you to manage multiple companies), headings, statements, payments, priorities, types of communication and event types.
  • System: Master of the application configuration and management database (backup and restore).
If all these benefits do not fit your needs, our development framework provides generic functionality for rapid identification and creation of new services in SaltOS through its database scheme managment, static control table, the pseudo-language that allows to  create new applications, generate PDF files and spreadsheets through its template-based system, plus many other benefits.

What is appearance?

What are the advantages of SaltOS?

The SaltOS qualities that make it a good candidate to develop CRM/ERPs are:

  • Using emerging technologies such as PHP, XML, XSLT and Javascript.
  • Simple and fast interface.
  • Easy configuration and parameterization
  • Simple data model
  • Friendly pseudo-language based on XML tags
  • Quick and easy creation of new applications
Besides the above, SaltOS has a community that evolves it constantly.

Why should I use it?

SaltOS offers several advantges that will help you to improbé your business plan:
  • 100% Cloud Computing: SaltOS is designed to work on systems with Cloud Computing resource provisioning.
  • Efficiency: SaltOS allows you to work in a dynamic and fast way. Moreover you will be able to consult, seek, and filter the information in an easy way.
  • Centralised: SaltOS integrates commercial management, accounting and project management in only one application. It also includes every day work tools as e-mail, agenda and document manager.
  • Accessibility: the only thing you need to work with SaltOS is a computer with internet and / or intranet access. SaltOS is a web application that can be accessed via any modern navigator (Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer 9 or higher) 
  • Easy to use: if you are reading this, you can start working with SaltOS right now. You will see it is as easy as navigating the Internet.
  • Scalability: SaltOS doesn’t need powerful servers nor special hardware. The necessary machinery can be installed at your personal lap top or even at a high performing server. It is easy to migrate SaltOS from one system to another, according your company needs
  • Personalised: SaltOS can be personalised according your wishes, from the interface colours till adapting to your business needs and even being integrated with already existing solutions (back office).
  • Extendible: SaltOS is not a closed nor static solution, it can be extended, modified and improved at any moment. 
  • Cost: you don’t have to pay royalties nor licences for using SaltOS. This cost saving enables you to invert money in improvements that will make SaltOS your personal solution. 
  • Safe: your data will be transferred encrypted which protects it from being seen by others. Once the data is stored, it will be protected by your Company’s Operating System and Infrastructure. 
  • The liberty to choose your own provider: SaltOS is licensed by GPL-3, which allows you to choose the provider of your own choice.

Where do you want to get the project?

Currently, SaltOS has an extensive tour of the business, providing a base that can adapt to different situations to provide customized solutions to business problems.

The future of SaltOS should be:

  • Getting funding to invest more time in developing new features: this will allow us to devote 100% of the project rather than having to do other jobs to survive .
  • Ask the community grow by promoting collaborative work: this will bring improvements in other disciplines, languages ​​and business layers .
  • Improving infrastructure project to increase services offered: this will bring us to offer free hosting services or low-cost facilities SaltOS .
Although this is wishful thinking, because the future is written daily!!!

RhinOS information

I am currently working in the integration of RhinOS inside of SaltOS, so that with a unique application, you can have available an ERP + CRM + CMS, all in one.

Meanwhile, you can visit the official website of the RhinOS project at GitHub | SourceForge

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