
This application lets you keep track of all users accessing the application.

User List

In the list of users you will find the most important pillars of registration:

  • Ref.: Numeric code that identifies the user.
  • User: Name of access to the application.
  • Group: Group to which the user belongs.
  • Name: Actual username.
  • Email: Mail account user contact.
  • Active: Determines the account is locked.
  • Check-in: Determines the start of permitted hours to access the application.
  • Check out: Determines the end of permitted hours to access the application.
  • Days: Determines the days that the user is allowed to enter the application.
  • Online: Determines whether the user is currently connected.

Listing Options

On each record. You can perform a series of actions that are represented by the following icons:

  • Check / Edit / Delete Record.

Filter Options

For more information about the filter options listed in the ayuda general.

Users Form

This is the application of users, it may add, modify and view all user data classified in different tabs: main data, application permissions, group user permissions record, subscribed feeds, email accounts, data on the registry modifications, ...

Data Tab User

In this tab you can view and modify the main user data. Here we relate all information fields.

  • User (*): Username.
  • Group (*): Group to which the user belongs.
  • Key: Access key.
  • Repeat password: Repeat the password to rule out typing errors.
  • Application (*): A type of contact that this user belongs.
  • Log (*): A specific contact that pertener this user.
  • Active: Serves to block the account momentarily.
  • Input (*): Start Time permission to access the application.
  • Output (*): End time of permit application access.
  • Weekly Access: Weekdays access to the application is allowed.

(*) Required when creating or modifying a user Campos.

Application permissions tab

In this tab you can apply specific permissions per user.

User Groups tab

In this tab you can assign specific user groups.

Permissions tab for registration

In this tab you can block specific records relevant to confidentiality.

Feeds tab configured

In this tab you can configure all the feeds needed for that user.

Mail Accounts tab

With this tab you can add all email accounts have to manage the user.

Registry Data Tab

For more information about the filter options listed in the ayuda general.

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